Why choose this training

How to differentiate yourself, grow professionally and be successful in a highly competitive market.

The initial coaching training you attended has taught you the basics you need to work as a professional Coach.

Nevertheless, today’s coaching market is increasingly competitive. So, like many other Coaches, you may have four priorities for your professional growth and success:

  1. Stand out in an increasingly crowded market by offering something special and unique.
  2. Develop your coaching toolkit to have a greater impact in your work.
  3. Continue your self-development journey to add depth to your coaching.
  4. Earn ICF approved CCEUs (Continuing Coach Education Units) to renew your accreditation.

Constellations are a powerful and innovative method that answers these needs. The main benefits of using Constellations in coaching are:

  • They are a new methodology compared to conventional approaches based on verbal dialogue. They work with a spatial representation of the topic presented by the Client. That’s why we talk about 3D-Coaching, because 3D stands for three-dimensional.
  • It’s a systemic coaching methodology, not only a theoretical framework, which provides practical tools for coaching;
  • They allow you to work with all of the senses – visual, auditory and kinaesthetic – at the same time, so that the Client is exposed to a vivid and intense experience;
  • They provide a truly holistic approach to coaching, as they work simultaneously across the mental, emotional and somatic planes, fostering clarity and inner alignment;
  • They provide impactful and lasting results more easily and more rapidly than by using conversational methods;
  • They can be integrated seamlessly alongside existing coaching approaches;

Moreover, you will join an international learning community of experienced coaches, who you can learn from and who support each other.

Constellations are a breakthrough in coaching, they are the most powerful “technology” for developing self-leadership: don’t miss it!

How does this training differ from other Constellation training?

This training integrates different ways of using Constellations into a single coherent methodology. This enables you to work on a broad variety of topics: organizational effectiveness, teamwork, relationships, projects, decision making and personal development.

There are four main differences between this training and any other Constellations training:

  1. It is specifically designed for coaches, so there are very clear boundaries that differentiate it from Family Constellations.
  2. It’s based on a non-directive approach, as required in the coaching alliance, to co-create the session with our clients.
  3. It’s a very pragmatic approach: there are no esoteric or theoretical “trips”.
  4. It is based on a protocol, that makes learning much easier and quicker than the traditional modelling approach normally used in other Constellations training;
  5. It is immediately applicable in your coaching practice.
  6. The training follows the ICF guidelines for continuing education and provides you with CCEUs (Continuing Coach Education Units).

Click here to download the training brochure, where you will find all the details of the program.