Level 2: Transformation course

Transform your clients’ lives with Constellations and IFS!

The Transformation course offers you a powerful combination of Constellations and Internal Family Systems (IFS) to guide your clients towards deep personal and professional transformation.

Why choose this course?

  • Unique integration: Discover how to integrate IFS, an innovative model for understanding inner dynamics, with Constellations for an even more effective coaching approach.
  • Deep transformation: Learn to work with your clients’ inner conflicts, helping them free themselves from limiting patterns and express their full potential.
  • Tangible results: Offer your clients engaging experiences to overcome obstacles, improve relationships, and achieve meaningful goals.
  • Professional development: Expand your coaching skills and become a facilitator of lasting change.

Course objectives

  • Foundations of IFS: Understand the IFS model and how to apply it in the context of coaching.
  • Practical techniques: Learn to facilitate Constellation sessions integrated with IFS to address your clients’ deepest challenges.
  • Applications in coaching: Discover how to use this combination to support your clients in resolving inner conflicts, overcoming unwanted repetitive behaviors, and promoting personal growth.
  • Presence and awareness: Develop your ability to be present and accompany your clients on a journey of self-discovery, fulfillment, and well-being.

Course content

  • What is personality?
  • The IFS (Internal Family System) model of the inner system
  • The path to wholeness
  • Developing performance, unity, and well-being
  • Overcoming inner conflicts
  • Managing emotions in the context of Constellations
  • How to overcome obstacles
  • Transforming excluded parts
  • Improving relationships with others by working on one’s extreme parts
  • Coaching presence
  • Practice of Constellations in person and online
  • Supervision

Who is it for?

The course is aimed at coaches who want to deepen their knowledge and acquire new skills to offer their clients even more effective and impactful support.
Participation to the Foundation course is a prerequisite for attending the Transformation course.

Course structure

The course consists of six intensive modules, combining theory and practice, for a comprehensive and engaging learning experience: : 4 x online webinars (3h each) and 2 x workshops in person (2 days each).

ICF approved course

The course follows the ICF guidelines for continuing education and provides you with 40 ICF CCEUs (Continuing Coach Education Units), of which 30 are Core Competencies and 10 are Resource Development.


The dates of the Transformation course are listed below.
By selecting an event, you will find all the details and you will be able to download the course flyer.

Sep Nov 2024 Level 2: Transformation course On Line; Spazio Pin – Milano, Italia